10. Keep Records

  1. BulletA copy of the host’s Water Event Application.

  1. BulletA copy of the Event Premium.

  1. BulletAll original, submitted Entry Applications.

  1. BulletA marked copy of the Event Catalog.

  1. BulletCopies of all judge’s score sheets.

  1. BulletIncome & expenses.

  1. BulletA copy of all protests or complaints and any     subsequent reports.

  1. BulletA copy of the hosts Summary Report to Canine Water Sport.

  1. BulletAnd File a Summary Report

  1. BulletComplete a summary report of all entries for the day, including; total number of entries judged, total amount of fees collected, total number of passing teams, break down on number and type of tasks entered with number of passing scores, and any significant achievements by breed, age, disability, size or task.

  1. BulletReturn a check made out to Canine Water Sports in the amount equal to the specified percentage of all entry fees.

  1. BulletReturn a copy of all entry forms.

  1. BulletReturn all original Judges Score Sheets.

  1. BulletReturn a marked event catalog indicating a status or score for each team listed.

  1. BulletReturn any protests with the Secretary’s report on the matter.

Rules & Regulations             Hosting a Test             K9 Watersports Registry            Water Test Schedule              Group Membership              Water Judges4._RULES_%26_TESTING.html4.b.1._Hosting.html4.c._H2ORegistry.html4.d._Test_Schedule.html4.f.Membership.html4.e._Judges.htmlshapeimage_3_link_0shapeimage_3_link_1shapeimage_3_link_2shapeimage_3_link_3shapeimage_3_link_4shapeimage_3_link_5
           ABOUT US     SPLASH & LEARN      RULES & TESTING     NAUTICAL DOG STORE2._ABOUT_CWS.html3._SPLASHLEARN.html4._RULES_%26_TESTING.htmlshapeimage_4_link_0shapeimage_4_link_1shapeimage_4_link_2shapeimage_4_link_3