Rules & Regulations             Hosting a Test             K9 Watersports Registry            Water Test Schedule              Group Membership              Water Judges4._RULES_%26_TESTING.html4.b.1._Hosting.html4.c._H2ORegistry.html4.d._Test_Schedule.html4.f.Membership.html4.e._Judges.htmlshapeimage_2_link_0shapeimage_2_link_1shapeimage_2_link_2shapeimage_2_link_3shapeimage_2_link_4shapeimage_2_link_5
5. Select a Test Site

A CWS Water Test shall be conducted in “fresh” water, whose body shall be a minimum of eight (8) acres in size.  The water shall be clean and safe for human swimming. Test areas shall be free of obvious hazards and unofficial boat traffic.  Bodies of water that have a significant water current are not appropriate for water tests. Drought effects and seasonal changes in water depth are to be taken into consideration when measuring a site for minimum requirements.

Water Surface Dimensions:

The surface dimensions of an individual water testing area shall be a minimum of 150 ft. by 150 ft., two side-by-side sites shall be a minimum of 300 ft wide (along the shoreline) by 150 ft. out from shore. 

Water Depth:

The water depth for the test area shall be a minimum of 35 inches deep at 35 feet from shore.

Water Entrance Dimensions:

The water entrance for the test area shall be a minimum of 35 ft wide and shall have a gradual descent into the water. The entrance slope shall be firm enough to provide safe human footing to a minimum depth of 35 inch. 

Waterfront Dimensions:

A test site shall include a waterfront or beach area whose dimensions shall be a minimum of 50 ft by 50 ft. This area shall include the starter’s box and the water entrance for the water test area.  The area shall be defined by roping, cones, ring gates or fencing of some kind to reserve and identify the team’s minimum land work area to spectators.  If fencing is used it shall not impede a working dog from moving about the land or entering the water. 

Event Grounds:

The waterfront grounds surrounding the test site shall be large enough to support crating, personal tents, tables & chairs, at least one land test area of 50 ft by 50 ft, exercise areas for the dogs and sufficient parking. 

If the event is located in a remote or rustic area the Event Secretary shall ensure the access road to the test site remains safe for travel even during inclement weather.

The site shall have bathrooms and changing areas for host officials, exhibitors & spectators. The host shall also provide protection against wind, sun, and rain for event officials and such protection (i.e. tents) shall be inside or adjacent to the testing area.

The site shall be accessible to Rescue & Emergency Services, (Medical, Law Enforcement and Fire). The Event Secretary shall know the location of area hospitals, veterinary clinics, and first aid stations and shall have printed directions to area emergency services for humans and canines on hand at the event.

The site shall have phone or radio equipment for emergencies. The Event Secretary shall ensure there is cell phone reception or a land line phone available for general communication needs.

The event grounds shall be within 40 minutes travel of dog-friendly hotels and fuel stations. Food providers shall be within a close distance of the event or the host shall organize catered meals or concessions for participants.

           ABOUT US     SPLASH & LEARN      RULES & TESTING     NAUTICAL DOG STORE2._ABOUT_CWS.html3._SPLASHLEARN.html4._RULES_%26_TESTING.htmlshapeimage_5_link_0shapeimage_5_link_1shapeimage_5_link_2shapeimage_5_link_3